GenericHID 1.0 Custom Board

This is my first attempt at a custom GenericHID board.  It is a simple board that breaks out the pins of the at90usb1287.  It also includes the Power Switch circuitry.  The board works fine, although it is a bit large.  Version 1.1 is in the works; it is smaller, but also loses the JTAG interface and RS232 interface (only useful for debugging).

Details of the board can be found here.



The name of the USB HID device that will appear when listed by the host computer.


The UsagePage and Usage of the Device. See Usages for more information.

Be careful when setting this parameter. The default setting of Generic Desktop Controls:Multi-axis Controller is fine and should not need changing. Setting it to a Mouse or Pointer device may confuse the operating system and the device will not operate as expected. Set it to Generic Desktop Controls:Joystick to make it appear as a game controller.


GenericHID 1.0 is a 5v board.


GenericHID 1.0 is bus powered.


The interval, in milliseconds, at which the PC polls the HID device for updates. The smaller the number, the faster the updates and more responsive the device is, at the cost of more CPU power.


Pins PD2/PD3 can be used as RXD/TXD pins for RS232 TTL Serial debug output (38400, 8, none, 1). Setting the value above zero enables debugging. The higher the number the more debug (max 100).


Enable debugging via the HID interface. This isn't implemented yet.


The current usage of the microcontroller. Used to estimate the USB power draw. In milliamps (mA)

Use Status LEDs

A status LED is connected to ports PD5/PD6 on the GenericHID 1.0 board.  These show the status of the USB connection...

Orange Startup
Red Establishing Connection
Green Connected and Ready


A unique serial number of the device.


Timer1 configuration. The Generic HID device PWM outputs use shared timer resources.  Three outputs, PB5(OC1A), PB6(OC1B), PB7(OC1C) are derived from Timer 1.  If a PWM output is placed on one of these pins, they will all share the same base frequency and resolution.  See Timers for more information.


Timer2 configuration. The Generic HID device PWM outputs use shared timer resources.  Two outputs, PB4(OC2A), and PD1(OC2B) are derived from Timer 2.  If a PWM output is placed on one of these pins, they will all share the same base frequency and resolution.  See Timers for more information.


Timer3 configuration. The Generic HID device PWM outputs use shared timer resources.  Three outputs, PC6(OC3A), PC5(OC3B), and PC4(OC3C) are derived from Timer 3.  If a PWM output is placed on one of these pins, they will all share the same base frequency and resolution.  See Timers for more information.